Managing Work-Life-School Balance
- January 30, 2024
- Posted by: Healthy Young NV
- Category: Mental Health Teen Tween Young Adult

Being able to manage your school and home life is an essential skill for any student. It’s not easy, but luckily kids have been working on this skill since they began school; managing schoolwork, homework, extracurriculars, and a social life can be tricky, but it is something that can continually be improved upon with good time management. By middle and high school, most students usually have a rough routine that tends to get them by, and it is ok if it’s not perfect! However, things may get even more difficult when younger students want to begin working; towards high school/college, a good chunk of students will have had at least one part time job. Adding work to the plate brings a whole new level of depth to the school-life balance that students were previously unfamiliar with. Dealing with the stress of juggling so many tasks can be daunting, but with lots of practice and support, you can master this!
The first, and possibly most important step in being able to manage everything is good time management. This definitely doesn’t need to be perfect right off the bat, but just by working at it you can improve your school-work-life balance! Personally, I like to plan out all the homework and studying that I need to do throughout the week and weekend. This way, I know what’s coming up in the week and I’m not blindsided by any extra work or projects! Then, I allocate some time for myself that I consider “me time.” I’ll go over this more later! But lastly, I make sure that all my work for school is covered and done before my shifts at work. This way, I won’t have to come back from work and have to do more homework. But you don’t have to stick to this exactly, find what works for you! Just make sure to have a schedule and a plan.
Another important aspect in managing everything is to find a hobby; finding a hobby is a great way to deal with stress! This lets you wind down and enjoy something you love, whether it be a sport, knitting, video games, playing an instrument, reading, or cooking! These are just some examples of hobbies to keep yourself sane! As long as you enjoy it, it will help you enjoy working and studying. Making sure to always have personal time, or “me time,” as I mentioned above, can go a long way to keeping your stress levels down and your productivity levels up.
Whether it’s at home, at work, or at school, another way to not get overwhelmed is to establish clear boundaries. Make sure to communicate so that you aren’t getting overworked. For example, if assigned a group project, don’t try to do it all! As tempting as it might be, talk to your classmates or professor about any limitations you might have, but still make sure to get your part done! Or at work, if asked if you are able to take on more, communicate that you may have too much on your plate now but could maybe help out more later! Communication with supervisors, classmates, or parents gets everyone on the same page in terms of what needs to get done; additionally, it helps that not everything is on you.
Managing a work-life-school balance is tricky, but it is something almost everyone will have to grasp at some point. By starting sooner, establishing a schedule, having a fulfilling hobby, and communicating well, you’ll certainly be taking a step in the right direction towards living a more stress-free, balanced life. It’s no easy task, but you can do it! Good luck!
This blog post was written for Healthy Young NV by a High Sierra AHEC Student Ambassador.