Tobacco & Electronic Cigarettes

Nicotine is a powerful stimulant that can affect you regardless of how you use it.

Young Adults

What does nicotine do? 

Tobacco and nicotine have a great relationship. Nicotine’s very addictive personality keeps you coming back for more. Combined, tobacco and nicotine cause detrimental health effects, including disease, disability, and death.

E-cigarettes are electronic smoking devices that can be filled with nicotine cartridges. These e-cigarettes emit an aerosol full of chemicals when smoked. Smoking e-cigarettes is often called “vaping” because they emit this harmful vapor into the air.

People Who Smoke:

  • Suffer from shortness of breath 3 times as often as young adults who don’t smoke.
  • Have more colds, sore throats, and respiratory infections each year.
  • Are 25% more likely of developing lung cancer.
  • Spend an average of $170 a month on cigarettes.
  • Are 22 times more likely to use cocaine.
  • Develop early signs of heart disease and strokes.
  • Have difficulties with concentration and anxiety.


The average smoker will spend over $1.1 million on cigarettes in his or her lifetime.

People Who Don’t Smoke:

  • Are less likely to have breathing problems, can play sports longer, and run faster.
  • Are able to taste and smell foods/drinks better.
  • Are 50% less likely to develop lung cancer.
  • Are able to use spending money on other things.
  • Are less likely to use drugs.
  • Are more likely to have a longer life.
  • Are less likely to have issues with concentration and anxiety.

What can I do?

Look for ways to stop smoking. Talk to someone you trust or seek professional help.