Fun and Safe Activities During COVID-19 Pandemic
- February 18, 2021
- Posted by: Healthy Young NV
- Category: Teen Tween Young Adult

COVID-19 is an ongoing public health crisis that affects all parts of our lives. Many of us remain at home physical distancing from our friends, but that doesn’t mean you have to cut off all communication. You can safely socialize in ways that minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19. Here are a few ways to socialize safely with loved ones and to get out of the house when possible.
1. Enjoy breakfast with a sunrise. Breakfast with your household contacts is a great way to get out of the house and enjoy a socially distanced activity. You can pack a basket or order to-go food from your favorite restaurant. In the Reno area I personally love hiking to the Meadow at the top of Mount Rose and watching the sun rise over the valley.
2. Go on a hike. There are many options for different hiking trails in Northern and Southern Nevada. Going on a hike and enjoying all that nature has to offer is a great way to socialize at a safe distance during the pandemic.
3. Visit a pumpkin patch. This activity is seasonal, and can usually be done from September – November. Picking out pumpkins, going through a corn maze, or picking apples is a great way to experience fall while maintaining distance from others. Bonus – this activity is a two for one deal. After you pick pumpkins, you can have a contest for best looking or best carved pumpkin.
4. Fire up the fire pit. Many apartments have a community fire pit. If you have your own backyard a fire pit can be bought for a small amount of money and wood scraps can be used. As long as all safety precautions are taken, a fire pit can be a fun way to cook your dinner and spend time with family. Make tin foil dinners or simply roast hot dogs and s’mores over the fire. You get to enjoy the best parts of campfire cooking and still shower and sleep in your own bed.
5. Host a virtual dinner party. If you’re missing your friends, take this opportunity to virtually have dinner together. Send out a recipe for the dinner you all plan on making before the day of the party. You can sit down with your friends and enjoy the same meal while staying safe.
6. Play Zoom Charades. After your virtual dinner, you can participate in some party games. Divide your group into two teams and use a charades idea generator to choose words and phrases. One person acts out the word or phrase and their team has one minute to figure out the charade. Charades is a fun game that everyone can get in on and interactions like this are sure to boost morale.
7. Star Gaze. This activity can be done from a backyard but I recommend getting out of town. When you’re away from the lights of the city you can clearly see the stars. Study up on your constellations or use an app like Google Sky to see all the constellations you can imagine.
8. Bake something new. Take to Instagram or Pinterest to find something new and exciting to bake. You can also bake an old favorite like chocolate chip cookies. This is a great activity to do with the people you live with, and if you’re willing to share you can deliver the treat to friends using a contactless drop off.
9. Play tennis or another contactless sport. When you go to a local park to play tennis you stay a whole court away from your opponent. This is an ideal social distance sport. Most people have a racquet somewhere in their garage, but if not, you can buy one on a budget. Exercise is important for mental and physical health, especially during this time.
10. Volunteer at the food bank. We should never forget those that are less fortunate than ourselves. Many people have lost their jobs during the pandemic and have turned to local food banks for assistance. You can call and ask how to help. Many places are running donation drive-thrus and drive through pickup locations for food and supplies.
These are some great ways to get out of the house and exercise the social side of your brain during a lockdown. Reach out to your friends and make a plan to participate in one of these activities together. Remember to wear your mask, maintain social distance, and have fun!
Author Bio: Corban is a lead student ambassador for High Sierra AHEC and is studying Biology at The University of Nevada, Reno. He is an EMT and avid outdoorsman who hopes to attend medical school in the very near future.