¿Qué es la salud sexual y por qué es importante tener conservaciones sobre la educación sexual? Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), la salud sexual es el estado de bienestar fí-sico, emocional, mental y social en relación con la sexualidad. Esto incluye experiencias sexuales segu-ras, relaciones positivas, consensuadas y respetuosas y también está […]
With the COVID19 pandemic causing nationwide lockdowns and social distancing guidelines, both the physical and mental health of the American public has become a hot topic. What can you do to protect your mental health? Find out below. What is mental health? Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we […]
Equity is an interesting concept. Not dissimilar to equality, equity is about fairness. In spite of the similarity, the terms are not to be used interchangeably. Equality means that everyone is treated equally. The problem with equality is that the term assumes that everyone is on a level playing field. Equality assumes everyone requires the […]
Hey there! My name is Kayla. When I was in grade school, I often asked myself why I had to learn about health education. Sometimes it was awkward, uncomfortable and emotionally painful, frightening, and sometimes it just did not make sense. I never truly understood the importance of and appreciated health education until I got […]
Before Covid-19, we were constantly in a social environment. Whether at school or work, we spent most of our day surrounded by certain people. Now, not only are we social distancing, but the majority of states have issued a “stay-at-home” order. It’s a difficult adjustment that we unfortunately have no control over. However, we can […]
As you run out the door to jump on your bike, you hear your mom or dad yelling, “Make sure you wear your helmet!” You roll your eyes and yell back, “Why? It’s hot on my head and I won’t fall. I don’t need to wear a helmet!” I’m sure you’ve heard this countless times […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has had major effects on almost all of our lives, and one of the most drastic parts of this has been the switch to online learning. Anyone who has taken online classes knows that this is not as easy as it sounds. To help you make that transition to online learning, we, […]
According to, a mentor is: a wise and trusted counselor or teacher and/or an influential senior sponsor or supporter. Both definitions I agree with, but through my own personal growth and journey through life, I know there is so much more to mentorship. I have lived in Reno, Nevada my entire life. Both of […]
With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, many people are in distress. The Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte, imposed a national quarantine, and many other countries are soon to be in this phase. Social distancing is a popular recommendation by many physicians and federal/global health organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention […]
It is no lie that unhealthy levels of sleep are a rising threat among teenagers in this day and age. With increasingly busy schedules, higher expectations, and more opportunities, many teens and young adults are beginning to struggle with the three things that rule most of our lives: sleep, social lives, and academics. These are […]