Top Tips for Learning at Home
- April 8, 2020
- Posted by: Healthy Young NV
- Category: Teen Tween Young Adult

The COVID-19 pandemic has had major effects on almost all of our lives, and one of the most drastic parts of this has been the switch to online learning. Anyone who has taken online classes knows that this is not as easy as it sounds. To help you make that transition to online learning, we, the immunize NV interns, have compiled a list of our tips and tricks to remain productive while remaining safe at home!
Personal Tips from Immunize NV Interns:
“It’s really important for me to establish a night routine so I can get a full night’s rest without sleeping until noon. Getting enough sleep and waking up at a reasonable time (8:30-9 am) has helped me maintain a good study/ learning schedule. It is also imperative for me to get out of bed, get dressed in clothes other than clean pajamas, and sit at a desk when I’m working on my classes.”
“I try to set boundaries for myself while working at home. I have found that if I set time for myself to work at my desk away from other distractions I am much more efficient. Getting out of bed and getting into that work mindset can help a lot with your daily tasks. As a part of this, I also make sure when I have a lot of work to do, I fully get ready for the day. It may sound weird at first but I have found that if I get ready just as I would have for a normal day at school (shower, do my hair, get dressed, do my normal morning routine) I am much more productive. At first it seemed weird to “get ready” to go nowhere, but it has helped me get into the right headspace for work/class!”
“I usually try to sit down in a new room in my house so it’s not as distracting as my bedroom. I don’t have TV on and if I have music, it’s instrumental. I tend to focus better with music. Sometimes I will get side-tracked because I’m thinking about things that need to be done around the house, so I will turn those into motivators. For example, if all I can focus on is cleaning my room or vacuuming the living room, I will use that as my break after studying so I have an ounce of motivation. A change of scenery can also be helpful, so sometimes I will move the kitchen table to face the backyard or do homework on my porch. Hope that helps!”
“I’d say a tip is to designate a spot to work that is not your bed so you separate sleeping and relaxing with school. Also, take breaks that don’t involve technology, like exercising or reading, since our classes are now online and we stare at screens for long periods of time.”
“I have been effectively managing my time, which means staying on schedule and organized, since I am taking online classes and working from home. I am making sure I have reliable internet access, so I can avoid any glitches. I am also trying to avoid distractions, since I can get easily distracted. Regardless of where I work, I turn off my phone to avoid losing focus.”
“For me I have kept my school and work schedule as it is. Although my school, work, and internship has gone virtual, my everyday routine looks the same. I wake up every morning as if I have to go to school, work, or my internship, and I try to complete all the tasks I need to complete within those hours.
Each day I have a to-do list which helps me to not procrastinate and be on top of things. I have been starting my day with exercise and ending my day with some meditation to release all of the stresses built up throughout the day. I am also using my free time to catch up with family and friends though facetime to see how they are doing, and I have also been sketching, which I have been wanting to do for so long but didn’t have the time.”
Virtual learning can be challenging to navigate at first. It’s a big change from the norm and it’s difficult to find motivation at times. We hope that some of our top tips on what has been working for us can help you establish a productive virtual learning schedule. Remember, getting dressed and out of bed, sitting at a desk, and minimizing distractions are great first steps to productivity!
This blog was written by Cheyenne & Brian, Immunize Nevada interns.